Works and Periods
Valéria Majoros


1 Hevesy, Iván, János Mattis Teutsch. In Nyugat, 1 July, 1923,1938-1940.

2 Report No.XV of the Brassó State Vocational School of the School Year 1899-1900. Ed. Zoltán Timon. For details see Majoros, Valéria, Mattis Teutsch. Budapest, 1998.11-12

3 The plates are in Swiss and Hungarian private collections.

4 Report of the Royal Hungarian School of Design on its 22nd academic year, 1901-1902. Kamill Fitler.7.

5 Majoros, op.cit.17.

6 Die Karpathen 1911. No.11.351

7 Lukász, Irén, Dolgozat [Study]. 1947.II.Together with one entitled Feljegyzések [Notes], the manuscript can be found in the artist’s estate.

8 Lukász, Irén, Fejegyzések [Notes], 25 February, 1944 and 28 October, 1945. See also Lukász, Mattis Teutsch. Museum of Sepsiszentgyörgy. Aluta I., 1969. Besides the above-mentioned, Lukász lists the names of Cézanne, Van Gogh, Meunier and Henri Rousseau.

9 Autumn Exhibition, National Salon, 1907. Item 267 (under the name Mátyás Teutsch).

10 Banner, Zoltán, János Mattis - Teutsch. Kritérion Publishing Co., Bucharest, 1972.54.

11 Antek Enteriör [Antique Interior], 1999. Budapest, Art Gallery, Kieselbach Gallery.

12 MA [Today] III/11. 20 November, 1918.130.

13 Szabó, Júlia, Kék lélek, lélekvirág. Egyszimbolista és expresszionista motivum történetéhez. [Blue spirit, Soulflower. On the history of a symbolist and expressionist motif’.] In: A métikus és történeti táj. [Mythical and historical landscape]. Budapest, 2000. 213-251. Picture 1.

14 Interview with Erzsébet Székely. Manuscript, 1990.

15 Majoros, Valéria, A költő Mattis Teutsch. (‘Mattis Teutsch the poet’) Ars Hungarica, 1994/1., 155-159.

16 He was in correspondence both with Andor Simon and Sándor Bortnyik. One of his most interesting Compositions (Spiritual flower) became known because its photo found its way via Bortnyik to Új művészet könyve [‘The Book of Modern Artists’] published in 1922. Majoros, Valéria, Új müvészek: Moholy-Nagy László, Mattis Teutsch János. [‘Modern Artists: László Moholy-Nagy, János Mattis Teutsch.’] Erdész Gallery, 2000

17 Most often, he addressed his requests to Iván Hevesy. Archive of Manuscripts, Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

18 The painting is in private ownership in Switzerland.

19 On Mattis Teutsch’s stay in Paris see Brassai, Elöhívás. Levelek 1920-1940. [‘Development-Letters (1920–1940)’] Bucharest, 1980. The photographer Brassai, who was Mattis Teutsch’s pupil, often mentioned him in his earlier letters, which are so far unpublished. The letters, which can now be found in German private collections, provide important data about the life, personality, and even more importantly about the art and artistic development of both artists. Collection of G.Lecca, Munich.

20 On Mattis Teutsch’s design see Majoros, op.cit.54-58.

21 Halász, Kálmán: Egy emberi lélek megnyilatkozása képekben és szobrokban.Jegyzetek mattis-Teutsch János kiállítása alkalmából. [‘Manifestations of a Human Being in Paintings and Sculptures. Notes on the Occasion of János Mattis Teutsch’s Exhibition.’] Brassói Napló, 12 October, 1933. Körösi, Sándor, Mattis Teutsch brassói kiállításához. [‘On Mattis Teutsch’s Exhibition in Brassó.’] Brassói lapok, 14 October, 1933.

22 Interview with Lajos Boros. Manuscript, 2000.

23 Irén Lukász’s notes. 4 October,1950

24 Almási, Tibor, A másik Mattis Teutsch. [The Other Mattis Teutsch.] Győr, 2001.

25 In 1950 the first version of the title of the Lelki virágok [Soulflowers] album was “lelki virágok - fölérezve és festve” [Soulflowers - Painted with Elevating Inspiration]. Irén Lukász’s note 27 July, 1950

26 Majoros, op.cit.162.

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